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Educating Nevada's Teens on the Dangers of Vaping and E-Cigarettes - Tools & Guides

12 December, 2020

Download materials and resources compiled from this campaign and CDC guidelines. For cessation tools, please refer to My Life My Quit, Nevada's Teen Cessation program. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to NTPC Vice President, Taylor Allison, Partnership Douglas County. 


Scroll to see the proven quit services that have helped thousands of teens quit vaping nicotine.

My Life My Quit Nevada

Get A Custom Quit Plan

'My Life My Quit' is a free and confidential teen service with 24/7 support. Visit or text "Start My Quit" to 855.891.9989.

Visit My Life My Quit Website

This Is Quitting

Quit Tips On Your Phone

Get help quitting vaping and join other young people who are going through the same things as you. Sign up by texting DITCHJUUL to 88709.

Learn More

CDC Quit Start App

Get The quitSTART App

Get tips and challenges from addiction experts that’ll help you quit vaping through the quitSTART app.

View App Information


Quit Nicotine Completely

Smokefree Teen helps you plan your quit so that you can follow through. Get more information on their free quit tools.

> Visit Smokefree Teen


CDC Quitting Guides 


What Are E-Cigarettes?

E-cigarettes and Youth: What Health Care Providers Need to Know.

Download PDF


Electronic Cigarettes - What's the Bottom Line

Who is using them and what are the health effects of using e-cigarettes?

Download PDF

National Institute of Health Logo

Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC)

The HONC is a 10-item instrument used to determine the onset and strength of tobacco dependence.

View & Download Checklist