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Recovering from Treatment In Body and Mind

07 July, 2017

My name is Nancy G. I am a survivor of anal cancer, March 2015 at the age of 74.

I had been fighting an anal fissure for six months and was sent to a surgeon for surgery to correct the problem. I met with the surgeon and he confirmed I needed surgery and that he was 99% sure there was no cancer. Three weeks later I had surgery and I had cancer. 

After chemo and radiation there is no evidence of cancer. I did not know much about cancer, but for my type of cancer there was only one type of treatment. 

I was so weak after treatment that I went to the Carson Tahoe Cancer Resource Center to check out my options for getting my health back. I started with yoga classes and then moved to strength training. I still can't do all of it, but I am so much stronger now. I attend the Women's Cancer Group and the center. It is so wonderful to talk to women who have had cancer; even though our cancers are different, the feelings are the same. I really enjoyed the Survivors Expressions we had last year and new friends made. 

I think my recovery would have been much harder without the services of the Resource Center.

Learn more about the Carson Tahoe Cancer Resource Center at: