Nevada Cancer Coalition is recognizing Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month by awarding five automatic sunscreen dispensers to nonprofits in…

Sun Smart Nevada on the Road
We are hitting the road to bring free sunscreen and sun safety education to northern Nevadans throughout the summer. Wondering where we'll be?…

Free Public Sunscreen Dispensers Awarded to Sun Smart Nevada
Sun Smart Nevada is having a big week! Melanoma Foundation of New England (MFNE), a nonprofit aimed at reducing the incidence of…

RenOpen Streets Gets Sun Smart
It may have been rainy and overcast, but that didn't dampen the spirits of Nevada Cancer Coalition and Renown Health staff at this year's RenOpen…

NCC Brings Sun Smart Nevada to RenOpen Streets
It may have been rainy and overcast, but that didn't dampen the spirits of Nevada Cancer Coalition and Renown Health staff at this year's…

Local Meteorologist Visits Sun Smart Schools
Meteorologist Mike Alger, of KTVN News 2 in Reno, visited two Sun Smart Schools this week to teach students about radiation and the effects of the…

Sun Smart Nevada On The Go
We're excited to be sharing the Sun Smart message with Nevadans at community events this October...and we've got gallons of SPF 30…

Sun Smart Nevada at Life Is Beautiful
Sun Smart Nevada went a little bit rock n' roll with a sunscreen station at the Life is Beautiful Festival in Las Vegas. Partners at Dignity Health's…

Gardnerville Students Getting Sun Smart
Sun Smart Schools' pilot program is now launched in six schools across Nevada! Garnderville Elementary School has been very active in their support…

Break Out The Sunscreen For Melanoma Monday
Download the press release.
Monday, May 4 marks the annual “Melanoma Monday,” an awareness day created by the American Academy of Dermatologists to…
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